
10 Amazing Healthy Food to Reduce Cholesterol

10 Amazing Healthy Food to Reduce Cholesterol in Just 30 Days

Cholesterol is an obstacle to overall health. Because high cholesterol levels can lead to various health problems. Health experts say that cholesterol levels can be reduced with ten types of ingredients from avocado to nuts.

Cholesterol seems to be the main cause of heart attack and stroke problems. According to the World Health Organization, high cholesterol is responsible for every third heart attack. Cholesterol levels in adults are estimated to have increased by 39 percent in 2008. Both diet and lifestyle play a vital role in lowering cholesterol. In terms of diet, ten types of substances must be taken.


Dark green vegetables like okra and beans are low in calories and high in fiber. Helps to reduce cholesterol levels.


It is rich in antioxidants. Being high in soluble fiber lowers cholesterol levels. Berries are especially great for this problem.

Whole Grains

Oats and barley are rich in soluble fiber called beta-glucan. It lowers cholesterol rapidly. Making it a part of daily diet gives good results.


Dry fruits like almonds, peanuts, walnuts contain healthy fats. Apart from lowering cholesterol, they help to lower triglycerides and lower blood pressure.

Fatty Fish

Fish like mackerel and salmon are rich in omega 4 fatty acids. As a result, the risk of heart attack is reduced. Cholesterol level is reduced.


Another substance that reduces cholesterol is pulses. These are rich in fiber, minerals and proteins. Lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.


Allicin, a substance present in garlic, is useful in reducing LDL. That is why garlic should be taken regularly.

Dark Chocolate

It is rich in cocoa. Antioxidants in this reduce LDL and control blood pressure.


Being high in fiber and proteins in soybeans not only reduces cholesterol but also reduces heart related diseases.


They are a healthy and nutritious fruit. It is rich in monounsaturated fat and fiber. As a result, cholesterol levels are reduced.


10 Amazing Healthy Food to Reduce Cholesterol
Article Name
10 Amazing Healthy Food to Reduce Cholesterol
10 Amazing Healthy Food to Reduce Cholesterol in Just 30 Days. Cholesterol is an obstacle to overall health. Because high cholesterol levels can lead to various health problems.
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Amaravathi News Times - ANT
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