
Tag: EMU Trains

Indian Railways: Do you know what MEMU, EMU, DEMU trains are and what is special about them?

Indian Railways: Do you know what MEMU, EMU, DEMU trains are and what is special about them?

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Know About MEMU, EMU, DEMU Trains & LHB Coaches in Detail Indian Railways: You have travelled in trains many times. Express, Superfas, Mail Express are associated with the names of long distance trains. When you travel on short-distance trains, the English words DEMU (DEMU), EMU (EMU) or Memu (MEMU) are added to their names. DEMU Trains: DEMU stands for "Diesel Electric Multiple Unit," which refers to a type of train that is powered by a combination of diesel engines and electric motors. DEMU trains are commonly used in many countries around the world, particularly in regions where electrification of railway lines is limited or uneconomical. Here are some key characteristics and features of DEMU trains: Power Source: DEMU trains typically have diesel engines that ...